Day 25 - MasterMind
your guess
Day 2 - Two Containers
You only have two containers, one 3 liter container and one 5 liter container.
You also have an unlimited supply of water.

1. How can these two containers (and only these containers) be used
to measure exactly 1 liter of water?

2. How can these two containers (and only these containers) be used
to measure exactly 4 liters of water?

Day 3 - Mathmagic Trick #1
Complete the following 8 steps, a through h.
When completed, select Check and I will tell you the animal that you selected!

I recommend using pencil and paper!

a. pick any integer between 2 and 9 (inclusive)
b. multiply the number from step a. by 10
c. subtract the number from step a from the number in step b.
d. sum the digits of the number in step c.
e. subtract 5 from the number in step d.
f. map the number in step e. to the alphabet,
so 1 -> A; 2 -> B; 3 -> C; 4 -> D; 5 -> E; and so on
g. think of a country in Europe that starts with the letter from step f.
h. using the last letter of the country in step g., think an animal with a long tail that starts with that this letter

Make sure you followed each of the steps as indicated.
Once you're confident that you have, select Check
and the animal selected in step h. will magically be predicted!

Day 4 - SET
In the game SET, each card has four attributes - color, shape, number and fill. A set is comprised of 3 cards in which each attribute is all the same or all different across all 3 cards.

The rule is "IF two are the same is one is different, THEN it's NOT a SET!"

This is a set
the colors are all different
the shapes are all different
the numbers are all the same
the fills are all different

This is NOT a set
the numbers are all different
but there are ...
two greens and one purple
two ovals and one diamond
one solid and two empty fills

Can you find 12 sets in the following nine cards? Click on a card to select it! You will be automatically scored and order does not matter!

Day 5 - Rebus Puzzles

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
Day 6 - What's Next?
In each of the following, a pattern of letters representing a common sequence is presented.
Your job is to determine each pattern and identify the next letter :

Day 7 - Counting Shapes
Today’s puzzle is a counting puzzle. The objective is to count the number of the indicated shapes in each figure. After completing all three puzzles, select Check to see if you're right! Although this looks simple, this may prove to be more challenging than it looks.

As a hint, the number of triangles in the Puzzle 1 is more than 3,
the number of squares in Puzzle 2 is more than 8
and the number of rectangles in Puzzle 3 is more than 10!

Good Luck!
Day 1 - US State Names
There are four states in the United States that start and end with the same letter.
Can you name them?

Enter your solutions in the boxes below (spelling counts!) and select Check!
Good Luck!

Day 8 - US State Names - 2
There are four states in the United States that start and end with a vowel,
but the starting and ending vowels are different.
Can you name them?

Enter your solutions in the boxes below (spelling counts!) and select Check!
Good Luck!

Day 9 - The Painted Cube

This is a solid cube comprised of mini cubes.
A cube has 6 faces (top/bottom, left/right, front/back).
Each face has 9 mini squares, each of which is a face of a mini cube.

In effect, one can think of the big cube as 3 layers of mini cubes,
stacked atop each other.

Given that only the outside of the large cube is painted,
answer the following questions.

1. How many mini cubes have exactly 3 painted faces?
2. How many mini cubes have exactly 2 painted faces?
3. How many mini cubes have exactly 1 painted face?
4. How many mini cubes have no painted faces?
5. How many total mini cubes are there?
Day 10 - Mathmagic Trick #2
Complete the following 5 steps, a through e.
When completed, enter your final number and select Check.
The number selected in step a. will magically be pr!

I recommend using pencil and paper!

a. pick any 3-digit integer in which none of the digits are the same
b. make another 3-digit integer by reversing the digits in the number from step a.
c. using the numbers from steps a. and b., subtract the smaller number from the larger number
d. make another integer by reversing the digits in the number from step c.
e. add the numbers steps a., c. and d.

Make sure you followed each of the steps as indicated.
Once you're confident that you have, enter the number from step e. and select Check
and the 3-digit number you picked in step a. will be uncovered!
enter number from step e.

Day 11 - What Goes Where?
Using the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9
once and only once,
use the clues below to solve the puzzle.
1. one diagonal contains only powers of 2
2. one diagonal contains only prime numbers
3. the left column contains only factors of 12
4. the center row contains only factors of 18
5. the center column contains only factors of 14
6. the numbers in the bottom row are less than 6

Day 12 - Self-Referential Puzzle
Can you think of a 5-digit number that has the following properties?

- The first digit (ten-thousands place) is the number of 0's in the number
- The second digit (thousands place) is the number of 1's in the number
- The third digit (hundreds place) is the number of 2's in the number
- The fourth digit (tens place) is the number of 3's in the number
- The fifth digit (ones place) is the number of 4's in the number

enter your number here:

Day 25 - Math Riddles
Answer each with number or a single word!

Good Luck!

What 4-digit number becomes a palandrome when 1 is either added OR subtracted?
What is the only number whose name is the number of letters in it?
What is the only number whose name is twice the number of letters in it?
Cats have four, you have two and this has three! What can this be?
If a foot and a year were the same, then an inch could go by this name?
Day 14 - Tricky Words
English contains a number of confusing pairs of words that pronouced the same,
but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

These word pairs often pose a challenge to many!
Below is your chance to shine!

There are five sentences, each with a missing word.
For each sentence, your goal is to select the correct word! Good Luck!

Bella received a ____________ for her fine performance.

She purchased some ____________, envelopes and a pen.

The word has ____________ meanings.

The lawyer provides ____________ for the defendent.

Small adjustments can ____________ the outcome of a game.
Day 15 - US State Names - 3
There are ten states in the United States that are comprised of two words.
Can you name them?

Enter your solutions in the boxes below (spelling counts!) and select Check!
Good Luck!

Day 16 - In A Word Puzzles
use the numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, once and only once,
to fill in the eight boxes below
answers may be one-digit or two-digit numbers

red fruit
Day 13 - Missing Word Puzzles
In each puzzle a word or words are missing, replaced by their first letter.
To solve each puzzle, you need to find the missing words.
Here’s an example of how they work:

example: 12 I in a F     has solution     12 INCHES in a FOOT

5 N in a Q
6 F on a C
it T 2 to T
90 D in a RA
SW and the 7 D
a T of 2 C
A the W in 80 D
the 3 M
10 D in a D
1 W on a U
Day 17 - Mathmagic Trick #3
Using the integers 1 through 9, complete the following 5 steps, a through e.
When completed, enter your final number and select Check.
The number selected in step e. will magically be predicted!

I recommend using pencil and paper!

a. pick any 3-digit integer in which none of the digits are the same
b. pick a second 3-digit integer in which none of the digits are the same and none are the same as the digits from step a.
c. pick a third 3-digit integer in which none of the digits are the same and none are the same as the digits from steps a. and b.
d. add the three numbers from steps a., b. and c. (make sure the digits use the numbers 1 through 9 once and only once).
e. pick any number in the range from 1 to 9 (inclusive). Remember this number as it is your secret number. Subtract your secret number from the number in step d.

Make sure you followed each of the steps as indicated.
Once you're confident that you have, enter the number from step e. and select Check
and your secret number, picked in step e., will magically be predicted!
enter number from step e.

Day 18 - More What Goes Where?
Using the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9
once and only once,
use the clues below to solve the puzzle.
1. the numbers in the top row are prime
2. the numbers in the left column are powers of 2
3. the numbers in the right column are multiples of 3
4. the numbers in the bottom row are greater than 5
5. the perfect squares are in the same row

Day 19 - An Alphametic Puzzle
A number a palindrome is a number that is the same forwards and backwards.
For example, 2356532 is a number palindrome.

Can you find a 2-digit number that when added to its reverse makes a 3-digit palindrome?

Day 20 - Heteronyms
Heteronyms are words with the same spelling, but different meaning and pronunciation.
A great examaple is putting

1. he is putting the can on the shelf.
2. he is putting the ball on the golf green.

Below are five puzzles all with a one word heteronym solution! Good Luck!

movement of air to turn or twist
arid region to abandon
a competition to dispute
to guide a metal
to display a gift
Day 21 - The Island of Wishy-Washy
Welcome to the Island of Wishy-Washy
where there are three types of native islanders that all look alike!

the Wishy - who always tell the truth
the Washy - who never tell the truth
the Wishy-Wishy - who sometimes tell the truth

Beware the Wishy-Washy because
if the statement immediately before is true, then Wishy-Washy will lie,
if the statement immediately before is false, then Wishy-Washy will tell the truth.

Finally, native islanders are NEVER in a group with another of their own kind

1. You are suddenly approached by an islander that greets you and says, "Hi, I'm a Washy." Knowing what you know about the islanders, can you tell what type she is?

2. With no notice, the islander suddenly disappeared! As you're trying to figure out what going on, you are approached by two other islanders. Pointing to the second, the first says, "She always lies." In response, the second points to the first and says, "He never lies." Can you determine what each of them are?


Day 22 - US State Names - 4
There are six states in the United States that have either four or five letters in their names.
Can you name them?

Enter your solutions in the boxes below (spelling counts!) and select Check!
Good Luck!

Day 23 - Magic Line Puzzle
Complete the following puzzle using the numbers 1 through 11 once and only once as follows:

1. the number in each gray square is the difference
of the numbers in the two adjacent white squares.

2. the number in each red square is the sum
of the numbers in the two adjacent white squares.

Good Luck!

Day 24 - More Rebus Puzzles

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12

The solutions to all puzzles will be available on December 25th!

Check back then to verify your solutions! Until then, find somebody else and discuss it with them.

Good Luck!



About - 24 Days of Puzzles
24 Days of Puzzles - A new puzzle every day for the first 24 days of December. There will be word puzzles, number puzzles, logic puzzles and more! The puzzles are simply stated and understood, but that doesn't mean they will be easily solved - some may take a bit of thought and time.

Most of the puzzles will automatically check your solutions. All solutions will be provided at the end of the month. Until then, check your solutions with someone else to see if they agree!

Good Luck and Please Share!

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